CL100 Letters
What is a CL-100 (SC Wood Infestation Report)?
A CL-100 (SC Wood Infestation Report) is required for the sale of most homes in the state of South Carolina. It includes a thorough inspection of a home's sub-floor and below by a licensed Pest Management professional. The inspector will determine if there exists any evidence of active or inactive wood destoying insects. Also, the inspector will look for any active or inactive wood destroying fungi (water damage) to any wood members. The licnensed professional will then determine if there exists any moisture or drainage issues and take moisture readings throughout the structure to determine if there are any plumbing leaks or moisture problems.
What is a Pre CL-100?
A Pre CL-100 If your interested in buying or selling a home and you want to know a head of time what problems may exist then give us a call and schedule an appointment today (803) 794-3208.

We appreciate the relationship we have with all of our realtors. If you are a realtor in need of a CL-100 and a company you can trust, just give us a call today. You are welcome to contact us for referrals from other realtors who use our company.