Residential Services
We offer FREE Termite inspections. Just give us a call and set up your free termite inspection today 803.794.3208. Or email us at srextco@gmail.com. One of our technicians will come to your home and render a detailed and thorough inspection. If a problem exists, we will discuss with you and work out a treatment method and payment plan that suits your needs. We are proud users of TERMIDOR, America's #1 termite defense product. For additional information about TERMIDOR and how it can be used to protect your home, visit TermidorHome.com.
We offer Full Termite damage repair warranty contracts with no deductible.
Pest Management
We can meet all of your Pest Control needs! We offer One-time, Quarterly, and Semi-Annual Pest management services. Our Pest technicians are well trained at getting rid of those nasty, pesky critters. We can protect your home against: Ants, Bedbugs, beetles, Cockroaches, earwigs, spiders, silverfish, mice, rats, fleas, millipedes, weevils, wasps, bees, moths, and flies. Our technicians are trained to understand the habits and tendencies of all major pests in our area and in a variety of methods for Pest Control, including applying bait for those who don't like pesticides. All of our applications are safe to the environment and our technicians go the extra mile to assure your safety. 803.794.3208. srextco@gmail.com
We also offer Bedbugs treatments. We can treat all types of residential housing. Our company uses superior products and our technicians have years of experience dealing with these complicated pests.
Monthly treatments or prepay for the season
Moisture and Drainage Control
We can take care of your moisture or water drainage problems
Upon inspection of your home, our technicians can determine if the moisture content of your crawl space is above normal by testing the soil or by using a digital moisture reading device. If a moisture problem is present, we can prevent the moisture from reaching your subfloor by applying a moisture barrier on the surface of the ground in the crawl space.
We can also determine whether or not a drainage problem may exist. Standing water in the crawl space is a sure indication of a drainage problem. If so, our technicians can apply a French Drain system and/or apply gutters where needed.
Structural Repairs
We also offer structural repairs to damage caused by termites, wood destroying insects, and wood destroying fungi. Our repair services include: Foundation sill and subfloor repair, bathroom floor repair and replacement.